
About Mingjia Yu, Yuanyuan Song and Xiyan Wang

Mingjia Yu, Yuanyuan Song and Xiyan Wang is a magnificent designer working hard to make the World a better place with their original and innovative award-winning designs and creations.

Interview with Mingjia Yu, Yuanyuan Song and Xiyan Wang

Mingjia Yu, Yuanyuan Song and Xiyan Wang ("MYYSAXW") interviewed on Wednesday, 5 June.

Could you please tell us about your experience as a designer, artist, architect or creator?

MYYSAXW : I am Mingjia. I have a background in software engineering and UX design, which has provided me with a strong foundation in both the artistic and technical aspects of design. I pursued my education at the University of Washington, where I specialized in Human Centered Design & Engineering. This blend of disciplines has allowed me to create user-centric designs that are both visually appealing and highly functional. I am Xiyan(Christine) Wang, I have a background in UX design and creative technology (AR/VR, wearables). I was graduated in New York University. I enjoy learning and interviewing stakeholders (from different countries, industries and walks of life) and untangling complex systems, weaving creativity and data-driven insights to create beautiful, empowering experiences. I am Yuanyuan (Nicole) Song, a UX designer with a background in interior design. My passion lies in helping users navigate and resolve complex problems while simplifying their learning experience with new tools. I leverage my design expertise to create intuitive and user-friendly interfaces.

How did you become a designer?

MYYSAXW : I am Mingjia. I chose to become a designer because I have always been passionate about creating solutions that enhance people's lives. My journey began with a fascination for both design and technology, leading me to pursue a degree in software engineering and UX design. My educational background, coupled with internships and work experiences at companies like Google and IKEA, helped shape my skills. It was an internal drive to make a positive impact through design that propelled me into this field. Influences from mentors and inspirational figures in the design world further cemented my decision.

What are your priorities, technique and style when designing?

MYYSAXW : When designing, my top three priorities are user experience, functionality, and aesthetics. I focus on creating intuitive interfaces that are not only visually appealing but also highly functional and easy to navigate. I integrate a human-centered approach in all my projects, ensuring that the end user's needs are at the forefront of the design process. I rely heavily on digital tools and the latest technology to create detailed prototypes and interactive mock-ups, allowing for thorough testing and iteration before finalizing a design.

Which emotions do you feel when designing?

MYYSAXW : Designing brings a mix of excitement, curiosity, and satisfaction. The initial phase of brainstorming and conceptualizing ideas is particularly thrilling as it opens up a world of possibilities. As the project progresses, I enjoy the journey of problem-solving and refining ideas. The most fulfilling part is seeing the final product come to life and knowing that it will positively impact users. This sense of accomplishment and the joy of creation drive my passion for design.

What particular aspects of your background shaped you as a designer?

MYYSAXW : My background in software engineering has given me a strong analytical and problem-solving skillset, which is crucial for designing functional and efficient solutions. Additionally, my exposure to various cultural and artistic influences has enriched my creative process. My ability to empathize with users and understand their needs has been a significant influence on my work. Mentors and experiences at companies like Google have also played a pivotal role in shaping my design philosophy and approach.

What is your growth path? What are your future plans? What is your dream design project?

MYYSAXW : My growth path involves continuously expanding my skills and staying updated with the latest design trends and technologies. In the future, I aspire to lead innovative projects that leverage AI to solve complex problems. One of my dream projects is to fully develop our awarded work, "Insightnest", with A Design Award. This web App has a fantastic idea of combining AI with information processing. I remain passionate about bringing this innovative solution to life in the future with the support of developers.

What are your advices to designers who are at the beginning of their career?

MYYSAXW : My advice to young designers is to stay curious and never stop learning. Embrace feedback and use it as a tool for growth. Build a strong portfolio that showcases your versatility and ability to solve different design challenges. Networking and finding mentors can provide valuable guidance and opportunities. One of the best pieces of advice I received is to always keep the end user in mind and design with empathy.

You are truly successful as a designer, what do you suggest to fellow designers, artists and architects?

MYYSAXW : To be successful, focus on the user experience and create designs that are both functional and beautiful. Avoid common mistakes such as overcomplicating the design or ignoring user feedback. Stay updated with industry trends but also trust your instincts and creativity. Collaborate with others and learn from different perspectives. Always strive for continuous improvement and be open to new ideas and technologies.

What is your day to day look like?

MYYSAXW : I am Mingjia, currently working as a UX designer for a startup. My day typically starts with reviewing design news and trends to stay updated. I then move on to checking emails and project updates. The rest of the day involves a mix of brainstorming sessions, designing, prototyping, and meetings with clients or team members. I enjoy taking breaks to clear my mind and often find inspiration during these moments. The little wins throughout the day, such as solving a design challenge or receiving positive feedback, keep me motivated and excited.

How do you keep up with latest design trends? To what extent do design trends matter?

MYYSAXW : I keep up with the latest design trends by following design blogs, attending webinars, and participating in industry conferences. Design trends matter to an extent as they reflect current user preferences and technological advancements. However, I believe in balancing trends with timeless design principles and my own unique style. Trends can provide inspiration, but it’s important to adapt them in a way that aligns with the project’s goals and user needs.

How do you know if a product or project is well designed? How do you define good design?

MYYSAXW : A well-designed product or project effectively solves the problem it was intended to address, is easy to use, and provides a satisfying user experience. Good design is intuitive, functional, and aesthetically pleasing. I evaluate design based on usability, user feedback, and how well it meets the project’s objectives. A design that delights users and achieves its purpose is considered successful.

How do you decide if your design is ready?

MYYSAXW : I decide a design is ready when it meets the project’s goals, passes usability testing, and receives positive feedback from users and stakeholders. While there is always room for improvement, it’s essential to recognize when a design has reached a point where it effectively solves the problem and provides a great user experience. Iterations can continue, but it’s important to balance perfection with practicality and move on to other projects when the core objectives are met.

What is your biggest design work?

MYYSAXW : I am Mingjia. My biggest design work, which was also one of my most proud ones, was a design solution for IKEA restaurants in my own country. It was a comprehensive project that included mobile, web, and design systems. It was succeeded in developing and launching, and continuously improves millions of IKEA customers’ experience as well as the nationwide sales in IKEA stores. This project taught me the importance of user-centric design and the impact it can have on a business’s success.

Who is your favourite designer?

MYYSAXW : One of my favorite designers is David Kelley from IDEO. His pioneering work in human-centered design has profoundly influenced how I approach my projects. I admire his ability to blend empathy with innovation, creating solutions that truly resonate with users. If given the chance, I would love to discuss with him how he envisions the future of design and the role of empathy in solving complex problems. His work continues to inspire me to prioritize user needs and think creatively about design challenges.

Would you tell us a bit about your lifestyle and culture?

MYYSAXW : All the team members trace back to Shanghai, China, a city rich in history and culture. Growing up in such a dynamic environment has greatly influenced our perspectives on design and creativity. In our free time, we immerse myself in the vibrant rhythms of jazz and hip-hop music, finding inspiration in their melodies and lyrics. These genres not only fuel my creativity but also offer a glimpse into diverse cultures and experiences.

Would you tell us more about your work culture and business philosophy?

MYYSAXW : Collaboration and open communication are key aspects of my work culture. I work with a talented team of designers and developers who share a passion for creating impactful solutions. I value diversity and inclusivity in my team, as different perspectives lead to more innovative designs. When selecting business partners, I look for shared values and a commitment to excellence. A good designer should be empathetic, curious, and adaptable, always willing to learn and grow.

What are your philanthropic contributions to society as a designer, artist and architect?

MYYSAXW : I believe in giving back to the community by participating in pro bono design projects and mentoring young designers. I support humanitarian projects that use design to address social issues and improve lives. Additionally, I get involved in design events and conferences to share knowledge and inspire the next generation of designers. Providing opportunities for emerging designers to grow and succeed is a key part of my contribution to the industry.

What positive experiences you had when you attend the A’ Design Award?

MYYSAXW : Participating in the A’ Design Award has been incredibly rewarding. Three main benefits include increased visibility, networking opportunities, and the chance to receive valuable feedback from industry experts. Design awards and competitions contribute to my career by providing recognition and credibility, as well as inspiring me to push the boundaries of my creativity. Being named Designer of the Day is an honor and motivates me to continue striving for excellence in my work.

Mingjia Yu, Yuanyuan Song and Xiyan Wang Profile

Insightnest Content Management App

Insightnest Content Management App design by Mingjia Yu, Yuanyuan Song and Xiyan Wang


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