
About Dmitry Pozarenko

Architect Dmitry Pozarenko 1986 – 1992 – Ural State University of Architecture and Arts (USUAA). Department of Industrial Design. Chair of Industrial Art. Since 1993 –Architectural and interior design specialist, implementation of residential and public use projects. Since 2008 – Lead Architect for the Dmitry Pozarenko Architectural Bureau. Achievements: 2015-2016, Golden A'Design Award in Architecture, Building and Structure Design Category. 2015-2016, Silver A'Design Award in Interior Space and Exhibition Design Category. 2019-2020, Silver A'Design Award in Interior Space and Exhibition Design Category Laureate and GRAND PRIX Winner at the All-Russia INTERIA AWARDS 2015 Interior Design Contest. Nominee for the INTERIA AWARDS 2012 Contest. Laureate of the INTERIA AWARDS 2011 Contest. Creative Motto: "Architecture is 25 thousand compromises that are supposed to create a thing of beauty".

Interview with Dmitry Pozarenko

Dmitry Pozarenko ("DP") interviewed on Monday, 4 May.

Could you please tell us about your experience as a designer, artist, architect or creator?

DP : I was educated from 1986 to 1992 at the Ural State University of Architecture and Arts (USUAA), faculty of industrial design, department of industrial art. Since 1993 - specialist in architecture and interior design, implementation of residential and public use projects. Since 2008 - the lead architect of the Dmitry Pozarenko’s architectural bureau. From 2005 to the present, I am the lead architect and interior designer at the chain of perfumery supermarkets "Gold Apple".

How did you become a designer?

DP : I’ve been painting since I was ten years old, went to children’s art schools, therefore, choosing education, I chose profession in which my artistic skills were in demand. After serving in the army, I entered the USUAA (Ural State University of Architecture and Art). My choice was influenced by two reasons. The first reason was that I drew well and wanted to use this advantage, and for admission to the university it was necessary to pass an exam in drawing. The second one was that the army formed new priorities for me - I firmly decided to get higher education. Besides, I always wanted to impress. Fortunately, my profession is the most peaceful way to satisfy this desire. The first thing I was asked to design was a drywall ceiling with an area of 50 square meters. It was necessary from the already existing space to continue the plastic line into the new space. And I took the job with enthusiasm.

What are your priorities, technique and style when designing?

DP : Probably my style in design is architectonics. If I put the pipe upright, then I will definitely take care of what it stands on and what it comes into. Sometimes it seems to me that I have been creating support and beam structures all my life, only in design. I pay attention to all aspects of design, but most of all - to the function. For me, everything should be justified by the function. Apparently, the long design period with a limited budget affects. Also I am very attentive to the nodes of structures and to the textures. Now it is difficult to imagine a design without three-dimensional models. Autodesk 3ds Max and Revit are the main tools. However, a huge number of drawings are hand-executed - and this is a primary: you can build a volumetric model only when you know what and how you want to build.

Which emotions do you feel when designing?

DP : The realization of a beautiful project is a sweet feeling. At such moments it is very strongly felt that thought is material. But design is not just about the constant bursts of dopamine. It is also a frustration from rejected first-class solutions, apathy, when everything went wrong, the work of a whole working week is crossed out and it is necessary to start all over again...

What are your advices to designers who are at the beginning of their career?

DP : The most valuable advice I could give today is to work at a good bureau. This experience is invaluable. And even if you outperform your teachers, remember, it was they who influenced your professional growth, created a special environment in which your brain learned to solve creative problems.

You are truly successful as a designer, what do you suggest to fellow designers, artists and architects?

DP : The first. Do not believe the pictures, check all the textures with your own hands. Second. Do not believe the small samples, in the mass everything will look different. Do not paint the meter, paint the wall. Third. Do not be afraid to remake - this is a much lesser evil than a mediocre result.

How do you know if a product or project is well designed? How do you define good design?

DP : Great designers create objects that become the standard of excellence of thought and embodiment. It is these images that form the concept of a new subject world among contemporaries.

Who is your favourite designer?

DP : Piero Lissoni, Rodolfo Dordoni, Antonio Citterio… If you rise to the level of these designers, I will become your fan. Grand Park Hotel Rovinj in Rovinj, Croatia, was made by Piero Lissoni. This is a very sensual minimalism, in which the master freely operates with a synthesis of space and texture.

What positive experiences you had when you attend the A’ Design Award?

DP : Until you are a recognized designer, you are not entrusted with the execution of large projects. Awards help customers to believe in your competence. Awards are an indicator of design excellence. It helps convince clients because it is interpreted as a trusted, professional, independent, third-party signal of the design quality and design excellence. I feel great to be the Designer of the Day.

Dmitry Pozarenko Profile

Sense of Forest Perfumery Supermarket

Sense of Forest Perfumery Supermarket design by Dmitry Pozarenko

Nostalgia Perfumery Store

Nostalgia Perfumery Store design by Dmitry Pozarenko


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