
About George Sinas

Sinas Architects is an Architectural Design studio based in Athens, Greece. Whether it’s with meditation music filling the air or Beethoven’s 5th (disco version), the team of talented and creative young professionals, with a collective experience that covers a wide variety of projects, joins forces to make it all possible. Present from design inception all through construction their method is to approach the scope of each project with unique innovative ways, experimentation, challenging preconceptions, while achieving high quality aesthetics and narrating beautiful architectural stories.

Interview with George Sinas

George Sinas ("GS") interviewed on Saturday, 30 October.

Could you please tell us about your experience as a designer, artist, architect or creator?

GS : As far as I can remember I always wanted to be an architect. I often joke when asked this question by saying that I always wanted to be an architect especially when I made a large scale model of the Acropolis with white Legos at the age of five. None of my parents or my immediate family were design oriented or artist so I wasn’t influence in that way. My mother saw potential in me and she pushed me towards that direction. Once I finished school I applied to architecture school in Greece. Back then there were only two Universities. One in Athens and one in Thessaloniki. And in order to be accepted you had to perform well in the national exams. I was accepted in the University of Thessaloniki school of Architecture. After that and having finished my two years military service as a cadet of the Engineers corps I moved to the USA and pursued a second Master’s degree in Architecture. I was in love with SCI-Arc a very well-known avant-garde Architecture school in Los Angeles. Oh the stories I can say about those years… I will have to restrain myself and simply say that it was a life changing experience that affected me ways that I still discover.

Which emotions do you feel when designing?

GS : What kind of emotions you say? Why, the whole spectrum I think. From excitement of the new, to fear of failure. And from devastation, because maybe a most preferred proposal got rejected, to absolute joy once the authorities have approved a building license. I think the worst emotion is when I feel I’m in a design dead end and need to back step. And the best emotion that comes with a great high is when there is that one concept idea that just stands out and you know deep in your gut it’s “the one”. It’s an emotional roller coaster. Quite draining. And the funny (or sad) thing is that the good emotions last much less than the negative ones. One would say that in order to be an Architect you must have a masochistic nature.

What are your advices to designers who are at the beginning of their career?

GS : I know that you want to show the world that you matter and you have amazing ideas. But before you try to make it on your own, first get a diverse experience by working for other architects for at least 5 years. This will channel your abilities in ways you can’t fathom right now. Travel. Live and work abroad. Aim to work at a large firm for a while and then choose to work for a small firm. Ask questions and try to understand the why behind everything. Put your God complex into hibernation mode. You’ll have plenty of time to let it take over later.

George Sinas Profile

Xerolithi Residence

Xerolithi Residence design by George Sinas


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