
About Te-Sian Shih

Te-Sian Shih is a New York City-based graphic, packaging, branding designer, and artist. She has cooperated with many high-end clients such as NYC's fashion brand company, luxury bed company, Package product company, the Ministry of Culture of Taiwan, Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in New York, and The Taiwanese American Arts Council (TAAC). She has also worked with one of the world's best musicians, Mr.Cho-Liang Lin's Taipei Music Academy and Festival. Her design projects have been published in supermarkets and department stores in New York City. Besides, Her design works have been published on The Taiwanese American Arts Council's NFT. Te-Sian was a Final Critique Guest Artist at Pratt Institute's Master of Science in Packaging, Identities, and Systems Design department. Moreover, she was a Jury Member of the 2022 Wei-Chuan Mother's Day Drawing Competition hosted by the World Journal. Her work has been featured in the 2019 'Fusion' Art Exhibition, which UNICEF supported, 2019 the Oculus World Trade Center's ' 'Here There' and 'The Blanc' art exhibitions, 2019 Florence Biennale, 2021 Genova Biennale. In addition, her design projects have been exhibited in the art exhibition "Taiwan: A World of Orchids," supported by the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office and the Taiwan Ministry of Culture in 2021. In 2022, Flushing City Hall, for the MuseConnect Gala 2022 annual event, placed Te-Sian, Shih's design works. Te-Sian helped MuseConnect Gala 2022’s posters and artbook. In addition, the Brussels Art Exhibition, which the Brussels government supported, showed her design projects. In 2019, she also held a group art exhibition, "Interstice," in Chelsea, New York, with 12 members and invited an excellent artist, Catherine Lan as the curator. Voice of America and World Journal interviewed her at the time. Te-Sian Shih won Silver and Bronze awards at IDA International Design Awards 2019, Silver at Muse Design Awards 2020 and 2021, Silver at Graphis New Talent 2020, Silver at Graphis Poster Annual competition 2020 and 2021, two DNA Paris Design Awards winners 2021, 2020 GD USA American Packaging Design Awards, 2021 GD USA American Inhouse Design Awards, and 2022 A Design Awards' Iron Awards. Te-Sian, Shih also will participate in an art exhibition called Tamara Art Award in Venice, Italy. Besides, her works will be shown in "International Bienal de Arte Barcelona" (International Biennale in Barcelona), which is to be held at MEAM Museum.

Interview with Te-Sian Shih

Te-Sian Shih ("TS") interviewed on Wednesday, 4 October.

Could you please tell us about your experience as a designer, artist, architect or creator?

TS : Te-Sian Shih is a New York City-based graphic, packaging, and branding designer, and artist who worked for four years. She has cooperated with many high-end clients such as NYC's fashion brand company, luxury bed company, Package product company, the Ministry of Culture of Taiwan, the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in New York, and The Taiwanese American Arts Council (TAAC). She has also worked with one of the world's best musicians, Mr.Cho-Liang Lin's Taipei Music Academy and Festival. Her design projects have been published in supermarkets and department stores in New York City. Besides, her design works have been published on The Taiwanese American Arts Council's NFT.

How did you become a designer?

TS : I studied marketing and logistic management in my undergraduate in Taiwan. After graduating, I found out I wanted to learn graphic design, so I spent my free time learning graphic design skills. One year later, I got an acceptance letter from the School of Visual arts at Pratt Institute. Then I decided to go to Pratt Institute. I was not suited for Taiwan's educational system, so I didn't have a chance to choose what I was really interested in. I had a good sense of aesthetics and knew marketing need a physical project to communicate the whole picture. That's the reason why I want to become a designer/artist.

What are your priorities, technique and style when designing?

TS : I don't have a particular design style. It depends on the customers. I would know the mission or concept of the companies or clients first, and then make the logo or whole branding design. I used digital tools mostly but sometimes I used my hands.

Which emotions do you feel when designing?

TS : Solving consumers' or companies' problems is the most emotional time of the design process. The designer is to solve problems, so it is good to communicate with clients again and again.

What particular aspects of your background shaped you as a designer?

TS : I am not just a designer, but also a marketer, management, and problem solver. A designer should know how to build up businesses and know how to promote businesses through design.

What is your growth path? What are your future plans? What is your dream design project?

TS : I would love to be an art director and make my own studio bigger. I love to work with businesses, but to be an owner can arrange my time flexibly.

What are your advices to designers who are at the beginning of their career?

TS : Please understand the IP and copyright first, and then draw. The foundation is very important and you need to understand the rules of the career.

You are truly successful as a designer, what do you suggest to fellow designers, artists and architects?

TS : Always work hard and learn the foundation. Do not just want to be famous. A good designer should focus on doing good design.

What is your day to day look like?

TS : Working on many design projects. If I have time, I will learn new skills.

How do you keep up with latest design trends? To what extent do design trends matter?

TS : I will look for the latest design trends but still keep my own style. However, the latest design trends can help to promote a designer's career.

How do you know if a product or project is well designed? How do you define good design?

TS : To solve problems, and keep everything simple. A good design shouldn't make a hard-read layout or colors.

How do you decide if your design is ready?

TS : Yes, when a concept can be communicated by through design, and then the design has been done.

What is your biggest design work?

TS : I did some package design which was produced from the mission, and mood board to the logo, structure package, and branding image. It's step-by-step. Everything keeps the same concept.

Who is your favourite designer?

TS : Milton Glaser. He founded a branding impression of New York City. He knows branding concepts or personalities and then makes them in visual design with simple but impressive images. I especially love his work "I LOVE NY" It's very simple but iconic.

Would you tell us a bit about your lifestyle and culture?

TS : I came from Taiwan which combines different cultures such as Chinese, Japanese, Netherlands, Span, and USA, so I understand to respect different cultures. After I came to NYC, I understand to combine different cultures' advantage together into my work.

Would you tell us more about your work culture and business philosophy?

TS : I love to communicate with people, but I don't like people who don't care about the details. I also feel tired when people don't understand our effort and how hard we work, and then ask for a very cheap price. Besides, if someone doesn't respect Intellectual Property Rights I would be upset. I would choose people who respect designers and understand they need to follow the rules.

What are your philanthropic contributions to society as a designer, artist and architect?

TS : I made some design projects to encourage people who suffered from Covid-19 and depression. I hope my design project can cure people's hearts and solve societal issues.

What positive experiences you had when you attend the A’ Design Award?

TS : I have met many great designers and am still in contact with them. Besides, A Design Awards has many opportunities for designers.

Te-Sian Shih Profile

Inner Peace Multifunctional Poster

Inner Peace Multifunctional Poster design by Te-Sian Shih

The Phoenix  Poster

The Phoenix Poster design by Te-Sian Shih


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