
About Parham Elahi Doust

Parham is a designer that studied architecture and anthropology and use these principles as a background for his designs. He translates the user's voice into product requirements. His studio and the team are focused on human-centered design. He thinks that industry’s finance programs leads us to be a extremism consumer and people are emotionally far from products that they are living with them. The human-centered design method could bring back our emotional bounding with the products. We create a narrative behind everything

Interview with Parham Elahi Doust

Parham Elahi Doust ("PED") interviewed on Monday, 15 July.

Could you please tell us about your experience as a designer, artist, architect or creator?

PED : Its my 8th year that i’m working as a designer, started to be a designer in a architecture company and shortly after i’ve joined the company as a partner to focus on designing villa homes. I studied architecture for my bachelor degree. In completion of my background studies in liberal arts as a hobby i found that design could start from people so i studied anthropology for my master. 4 years ago i started my own design studio MODAM section, an human-center design studio that focuses on nothing in particular but creating a narration behind everything

How did you become a designer?

PED : Making something from nothin or changing things to be more suitable and more accurate to its purpose and user’s requirement was a passion that i always had, i used to customize everything that i had to be more mine. Studiyni architecture made an opportunity for me to work on real world as a designer and it started a way of thinking in me that never stopped until now. It becomes my passion because designing process makes you know how to live and deal with life and other things in and around it

What are your priorities, technique and style when designing?

PED : Getting deep in the main need and requirement of the user of the project or product, the reason of choosing it or its lacuna.

Which emotions do you feel when designing?

PED : I should confess that in each project that i starting to design i’m getting confused and nervous because i don’t know when where and how should i start the project, but starting the process and thinking and knowing the main need will change the whole emotion to an active and joyful feel like a rush of blood. This is the moment that you can say yourself that ok, it’s started, just guide the boat to its destination

Parham Elahi Doust Profile

Hypnoss Floor Lamp

Hypnoss Floor Lamp design by Parham Elahi Doust

Sorkhab Packaging

Sorkhab Packaging design by Parham Elahi Doust


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