
About Shinjiro Heshiki

He was born in Okinawa Prefecture. After graduating from high school, he moved to Tokyo and entered a design school. After graduation, he worked at a shop design office, where he designed restaurants, retail stores, apparel stores, and houses. He moved to Los Angeles LA USA in 1991. While living in the U.S., he worked as a bartender and club manager, while working in design for a living. This background in restaurants seems to have enhanced his design communication. And returned to Japan in 2001, Then he started his own company, emergene, inc. which is the predecessor of Conception, and has been designing restaurants, bars, cafes, clinics, retail stores, offices, houses, gardens, and other spaces in Okinawa Prefecture. Conception is a design and branding office that designs "Century Style" spaces that are still sophisticated after 100 years. Based on the concept of "designing hospitality space" based on human psychology, we create the "ideal space" by giving shape to our clients' ideas.

Interview with Shinjiro Heshiki

Shinjiro Heshiki ("SH") interviewed on Tuesday, 24 May.

Could you please tell us about your experience as a designer, artist, architect or creator?

SH : I was born in Okinawa Prefecture. After graduating from high school, he moved to Tokyo and entered a design school. After graduation, he worked at a shop design office, where he learned to design restaurants, retail stores, apparel stores, and houses. I moved to Los Angeles LA USA in 1991. While living in the U.S., I worked as a bartender and club manager, while working in design for a living. This background in restaurants seems to have enhanced his design communication. And returned to Japan in 2001, Then he started his own company, emergene, inc. which is the predecessor of Conception, and has been designing restaurants, bars, cafes, clinics, retail stores, offices, houses, gardens, and other spaces in Okinawa Prefecture.

How did you become a designer?

SH : Ever since I was in junior high school, I disliked the white light of fluorescent lamps and changed the color temperature of the lights in my room to warmer colors or arranged them in an indirect lighting style. I was particular about color temperature and thought that the city would be more beautiful if inorganic fluorescent lights were eliminated from the city. Perhaps it was around this time that I began to think about design.

What are your priorities, technique and style when designing?

SH : zonning design.

Which emotions do you feel when designing?

SH : I imagine my client's fan customers increasing and being pleased by the work I design.

What particular aspects of your background shaped you as a designer?

SH : When I was living in the U.S., it became difficult to make a living by design alone, so I started working as a waiter and bartender in restaurants, and was eventually accepted as a general manager, which helped me develop my communication skills through the hospitality industry. Since I entered the store design industry in Tokyo, the restaurant industry in the U.S., the IT industry, and then the IT industry back in Okinawa, I feel that the restaurant industry and the IT industry in between were barriers I needed to overcome to broaden my sense of values in a positive way.

What is your growth path? What are your future plans? What is your dream design project?

SH : Leisure facilities and leisure park-type cemeteries for the elderly.

What are your advices to designers who are at the beginning of their career?

SH : There are no shortcuts in design. If you love designing, keep doing it. Just be yourself.

You are truly successful as a designer, what do you suggest to fellow designers, artists and architects?

SH : If you keep thinking, ideas will come to you in your dreams. Don't forget to take notes on them.

What is your day to day look like?

SH : Mostly, I play with my children.

How do you keep up with latest design trends? To what extent do design trends matter?

SH : Since I am more concerned with my own design style, I don't really care about the latest design trends. If I do care, it is about 10%. I pursue designs that will still be beautiful 100 years from now rather than reflecting the current season's trends.

How do you know if a product or project is well designed? How do you define good design?

SH : Generally speaking, it is difficult to identify them because the best design is one that is so natural that you do not feel that it has been designed.

How do you decide if your design is ready?

SH : When the construction site is handed over and people enter the restaurant or store and it functions.

What is your biggest design work?

SH : I have't found yet.

Who is your favourite designer?


Would you tell us more about your work culture and business philosophy?

SH : From "anticipation" to "joy". Until (excitement) turns into (smile) From "anticipation" to "joy". Until (excitement) turns into (smile)... Conception is a design and branding office that designs "Century Style" spaces that are still sophisticated after 100 years. Our concept is to "design hospitality spaces" based on human psychology, and we create ideal spaces by solving problems through design and giving shape to our clients' ideas. Hospitality is born when the client feels comfortable. We believe that hospitality is born when our clients feel comfortable, and we believe that having a "spirit of hospitality" and a "spirit of compassion," thinking about the other person's feelings first even if it is just a small thing, and always thinking and acting in a way that can create resourcefulness in everything we do, will lead us to become "workers" and "design hospitality. Our philosophy is to provide support from design concept planning and design to design supervision during the construction period to create spaces that positively affect the vision, thoughts, and psychology.

What positive experiences you had when you attend the A’ Design Award?

SH : One of the benefits we have realized from winning awards is that as we receive more and more awards, we have gained more confidence in our designs, and for most projects, we are now able to leave the design completely up to the client. These days, most of our clients ask us to do whatever design they want, as long as it is within budget and other constraints. By having more freedom in design, we are able to provide unique and high quality designs, which in turn leads to another award, which is a good spiral for us to work in. It could also help to motivate client companies internally.

Shinjiro Heshiki Profile

La Pina Distillery Amusement Shop

La Pina Distillery Amusement Shop design by Shinjiro Heshiki

Helios Airport Brewery Amusement Pub

Helios Airport Brewery Amusement Pub design by Shinjiro Heshiki

Nago Pineapple Park Winery Retail Shop

Nago Pineapple Park Winery Retail Shop design by Shinjiro Heshiki

Sweets De Pineapple Theme Park Shop and Bakery

Sweets De Pineapple Theme Park Shop and Bakery design by Shinjiro Heshiki

Hohobare Amahare Restaurant and Champagne Bar

Hohobare Amahare Restaurant and Champagne Bar design by Shinjiro Heshiki


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