
About YunFen Wang

YunFen Wang was born and raised in Taiwan. She received her MFA from the Academy of Art University, San Francisco with an emphasis in painting and drawing in 2021. Prior to this, her BFA was obtained in Taiwan, Chinese Culture University. While living in San Francisco, she participated in multiple exhibition in the USA and Italy. Her installation art Memory on The Cloud was collected by National Kaohsiung University.

Interview with YunFen Wang

YunFen Wang ("YW") interviewed on Monday, 25 July.

Could you please tell us about your experience as a designer, artist, architect or creator?

YW : I was born in Taiwan and started learning to draw and paint in the studio at the age 13. Since then painting and drawing has become a part of my life and I dream of becoming an artist. After graduating from the Fine Arts Department of Chinese Culture University in Taiwan, I became curious about how artists can produce works under the influence of different environments, so I came to San Francisco, Academy of Art University to study and graduate in 2021.

How did you become a designer?

YW : I want to be an artist because I find the impact of painting more attractive than words. In thousand of years of art, we can find how art in different eras and environments reflect the artist's state mind, which makes me want to try what kind of art I can provide the public in today's society.

What are your priorities, technique and style when designing?

YW : To start a work, the most important thing must be the subject matter. I like to find the subject matter from life, because no matter what, it is inseparable from life. After researching a specific theme, I sketch it out on paper and study the composition as well as the color arrangement.

Which emotions do you feel when designing?

YW : It's like a process of releasing pressure, very relaxing.

What particular aspects of your background shaped you as a designer?

YW : Since I was a child, I liked drawing very much. If there is not enough paper, I would just put it on the wall or on the table, which gave my parents a headache. However, I also found out that I am very patient when drawing picture. I think that 's when I developed a passion for art.

What are your advices to designers who are at the beginning of their career?

YW : Enjoy, and enjoy. Some works could be going smooth and fast, sometime could be challenging and requiring a lot of time and research, but you must learn to enjoy in the process, maintain enthusiasm and patience.

You are truly successful as a designer, what do you suggest to fellow designers, artists and architects?

YW : No matter what you're doing, don't stop it and don't be afraid to make mistakes.

How do you know if a product or project is well designed? How do you define good design?

YW : First, it should be given to what effect the design or art work can bring, and what it can offer the viewer.

Who is your favourite designer?

YW : YiLan Liu is a Taiwanese artist, and her works have inspired me a lot. In her work you can feel the richness and subtlety of emotion, which also influences the way I interpret my work.

What positive experiences you had when you attend the A’ Design Award?

YW : For a professional award like A'Design, I was happy to be able to attend and honored to win bronze award. It makes me feel encouraged and warm, also gives me more energy for the next challenge.

YunFen Wang Profile

Interpreting Discomfort Oil Paint

Interpreting Discomfort Oil Paint design by YunFen Wang


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