
About Pavel Tahil

I’m a Senior UX Designer / UX Researcher with more than 9 years of experience designing engaging and elegant interfaces for desktop and mobile. Through product experiences in the tech industry, digital marketing agencies, and startups, I have crafted a well-rounded repertoire that pushes me to approach design problems from diverse perspectives. In my decisions, I always focus on a combination of human behaviour, data analysis, and adapting technology to meet users' needs.

Interview with Pavel Tahil

Pavel Tahil ("PT") interviewed on Sunday, 18 June.

Could you please tell us about your experience as a designer, artist, architect or creator?

PT : I am a Senior UX Designer with more than 9 years of experience in technology, experience design, and branding. Over the years, I have been fortunate to work with startups, large enterprises, and products both locally and globally. Currently, I am working at EPAM in the UK, where I am focused on enhancing mobile and web competency for Fortune 500 companies and across EPAM's design discipline.

How did you become a designer?

PT : My art and design background is a culmination of diverse experiences and self-driven exploration. While pursuing my first degree in engineering, I discovered a deep passion for creativity and aesthetics, which ultimately led me to pursue graphic design at Seneca College in Canada. However, my journey into design extends beyond formal education. As a self-taught designer, I delved into various creative fields, experimenting with photography, illustration, and web design, among others. These experiences allowed me to develop a versatile skill set and a keen eye for detail. It was through this exploration and the realization of the impact design could have on user experiences that I knew I wanted to become a designer, specifically a product designer.

What are your priorities, technique and style when designing?

PT : As a product designer, I always prioritize three key aspects when creating new designs. User-centered design is especially important to me, as I always want to ensure that my designs are intuitive and easy to use for the end-user. Functionality is also crucial, as I want to create products that effectively solve user problems and meet their goals. And of course, aesthetics play an important role in creating designs that are visually appealing and engaging. To bring my ideas to life, I often rely on both digital tools and physical mock-ups to visualize and test my designs. When starting a new project, I conduct thorough research and work closely with stakeholders to make sure that my designs align with project goals and user expectations.

Which emotions do you feel when designing?

PT : I find myself going through a range of emotions during the design process. The initial ideation phase is always exciting and sparks my curiosity as I come up with new ideas. As I continue working on the designs, I feel a great sense of fulfillment and satisfaction in problem-solving and creating innovative solutions. However, the iterative nature of design can sometimes be frustrating and bring a mix of anticipation and enthusiasm as I refine my ideas and designs.

What particular aspects of your background shaped you as a designer?

PT : I would say an effective communication and presentation skills are paramount when it comes to conveying design ideas and collaborating with clients and stakeholders. Problem-solving and critical thinking skills are essential to navigate design challenges and find innovative solutions. Time management and organization skills are crucial for ensuring an efficient workflow and meeting project deadlines. Adaptability and a growth mindset are key to embracing feedback, learning from failures, and continuously improving as me as a designer.

What is your growth path? What are your future plans? What is your dream design project?

PT : As a product designer, I understand the importance of continuous learning and skill development. I started my journey by gaining foundational education in design principles and tools, and then gained practical experience through internships and entry-level positions. As I progressed, I specialized in user experience (UX) design and took on leadership roles, mentoring emerging designers. I am always looking to stay at the forefront of design trends, exploring emerging technologies to deliver innovative solutions. My dream design project would be to work on a high-impact product or service that addresses significant societal challenges and positively impacts the lives of users on a large scale.

What are your advices to designers who are at the beginning of their career?

PT : Firstly, embrace a growth mindset and a thirst for continuous learning. Seek out opportunities to expand your knowledge, whether it's through online courses, workshops, conferences, or engaging with design communities. Be open to feedback and critique, as it can help you improve and refine your skills. Don't be afraid to take on challenging projects that push your boundaries and allow you to grow. Remember that success is a journey, and it's important to persevere through obstacles and setbacks, maintaining a passion for design and a commitment to honing your craft. Seek mentorship and advice from experienced designers or professionals in the field to gain valuable insights and guidance.

You are truly successful as a designer, what do you suggest to fellow designers, artists and architects?

PT : Stay curious and continuously seek inspiration from various sources. Embrace collaboration and actively seek diverse perspectives to enrich your work. Always strive for excellence by refining your craft, staying up to date with industry trends, and pushing boundaries to create innovative and impactful designs that resonate with users and make a positive difference in the world.

What is your day to day look like?

PT : I wake up feeling refreshed and start my day with a morning routine that helps me mentally prepare for the day ahead. This might include stretching, meditation, or enjoying a healthy breakfast. To fuel my creativity, I like to review design-related articles or browse through design inspiration sources. A typical day in the life of a product designer begins with checking emails and messages to stay updated. Collaborating with cross-functional teams, attending meetings, and engaging in brainstorming sessions are common activities. Conducting user research, analyzing data, and iterating on designs through prototyping take up a significant portion of my day. Presenting design proposals, gathering feedback, and refining designs based on user insights are essential tasks. Throughout the day, I make sure to take breaks, go for a walk, or indulge in a hobby to recharge and maintain a healthy work-life balance. I also like to connect with fellow designers through online communities or social media to share ideas and gain inspiration. As the day winds down, I reflect on my accomplishments, plan for the next day, and prioritise self-care and personal interests in the evening.

How do you keep up with latest design trends? To what extent do design trends matter?

PT : Designers have the flexibility to incorporate trends selectively, blending them with their own personal style and vision. Inspiration for design trends can be found through various sources such as design blogs, industry publications, social media platforms, attending design events or conferences, and exploring the works of other designers or artists. The key is to strike a balance between being aware of trends and maintaining an authentic design approach that reflects one's own creativity and unique perspective.

How do you know if a product or project is well designed? How do you define good design?

PT : When evaluating a design, I first consider how well it achieves its intended goals and objectives. A good design should effectively solve user problems and meet their needs while also achieving desired business outcomes. Next, I evaluate the user experience, taking into account factors such as usability, intuitiveness, and overall user satisfaction. I also consider the design's aesthetics and visual appeal, ensuring it creates a positive emotional connection with the target audience. Consistency and coherence throughout the design are also important to provide a seamless and cohesive experience across all touchpoints. To avoid common mistakes, it is essential to conduct thorough user research, consider accessibility, and prioritize usability over visual flair. Ultimately, a successful design achieves its intended purpose, delights users, and meets or exceeds the KPIs defined at the outset of the project.

How do you decide if your design is ready?

PT : While a design may never be truly "complete" as there's always room for improvement, it reaches a stage where it adequately meets the project goals, user needs, and stakeholder requirements. The decision to stop iterating and move on to other projects is typically based on a balance between project timelines, available resources, and the diminishing returns of further iterations. The success of a product or project is determined by evaluating user feedback, meeting predefined metrics and KPIs, and achieving the desired business objectives, indicating that the design has effectively solved user problems and provided a positive experience.

What is your biggest design work?

PT : I used to work on FIFA 2022 web tool by Qatar Airways. This web tool played a crucial role in providing an integrated platform for purchasing FIFA tickets, hotels, and plane tickets in a convenient and streamlined manner.

Who is your favourite designer?

PT : Tobias Van Schneider is one of my favorite designers due to his innovative approach, attention to detail, and ability to create visually captivating designs. If given the opportunity to talk with a deceased designer, I would choose to converse with Steve Jobs, the co-founder of Apple. Jobs was not only an iconic figure in the tech industry but also had a profound impact on design, merging technology and aesthetics to create revolutionary products. He shaped our understanding of good design by prioritizing simplicity, elegance, and user experience. In addition to Steve Jobs, I greatly admire architects like Frank Gehry for his bold and distinctive designs, artists like Salvador Dalí for his surrealistic approach, and designers like Dieter Rams for his timeless and functional designs. Each of these individuals has left an indelible mark on their respective fields and continues to inspire designers today.

Would you tell us a bit about your lifestyle and culture?

PT : My lifestyle and culture greatly influence my design perspective. I draw inspiration from the vibrant city I reside in, immersing myself in its architecture, art, and diverse communities. Music plays an integral role in my creative process, fueling my imagination and enhancing my focus. Culture plays a significant role in design projects as it shapes the values, behaviors, and preferences of users, influencing their interactions with products. Currently, I am working on a project that aims to improve accessibility in digital healthcare solutions. I believe good design is essential for societal advancement as it can enhance usability, inclusivity, and overall user satisfaction. Personally, design has brought positive changes to my life by fostering a mindset of problem-solving, encouraging empathy, and promoting continuous improvement.

Would you tell us more about your work culture and business philosophy?

PT : My work culture and business philosophy revolve around collaboration, innovation, and a user-centric approach. I believe in fostering a supportive and inclusive work environment where open communication and teamwork thrive. While I value independent work, I also enjoy collaborating with cross-functional teams, leveraging diverse perspectives and expertise to create well-rounded solutions. When selecting business partners or hiring individuals, I prioritize qualities such as creativity, adaptability, strong problem-solving skills, and a passion for design. Cultural fit and shared values are also important considerations in building successful partnerships and teams. Core challenges in my profession include balancing user needs with business goals, staying updated with evolving technologies, and managing project constraints. As a product designer, my responsibilities include conducting user research, creating wireframes and prototypes, collaborating with stakeholders, and ensuring a seamless and engaging user experience. Key characteristics and personal traits that make a good designer, artist, or architect include creativity, attention to detail, strong visual and spatial awareness, effective communication skills, and the ability to empathize with users.

What are your philanthropic contributions to society as a designer, artist and architect?

PT : I believe in giving back to the community and making a positive impact. I actively seek opportunities to contribute my skills and expertise through pro bono design work for non-profit organizations or community-driven initiatives. I find it fulfilling to use design as a tool for social change and to address societal challenges. I believe that artists, designers, and architects have a unique ability to bring creative solutions to humanitarian projects, creating spaces, products, and experiences that improve the lives of individuals and communities. Good design, for me, is about creating meaningful and user-centered solutions that enhance functionality, aesthetics, and the overall human experience. To support young designers, I participate in design events and conferences, share knowledge through mentorship programs, and collaborate with educational institutions to provide opportunities for emerging talent.

What positive experiences you had when you attend the A’ Design Award?

PT : Attending the A' Design Award was a highly positive experience for me. It provided an opportunity to showcase my work on a global platform and receive recognition for my design achievements. One of the main benefits of participating in design awards and competitions is the exposure and visibility it brings to your work. Winning or even being nominated for an award can significantly boost your career, attracting attention from potential clients, employers, and collaborators. Design competitions also provide a valuable learning experience, allowing you to benchmark your work against other talented designers, gain inspiration from their projects, and expand your design skill set. Additionally, being named the Designer of the Day is a great honor and a testament to the hard work and dedication put into one's designs. It brings a sense of validation and motivation to continue pushing the boundaries of creativity and innovation in design.

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