
About Chen-Chi Hung

Chen Chi Hung graduated from the Department of Interior Design at Chung Yuan Christian University in Taiwan, and has been engaged in the interior design profession for nearly 30 years. He specializes in interior planning and design for offices, factories, retail spaces, and residential properties. In addition to providing professional, advanced, and innovative factory space planning services for international brands, he also assists local Taiwanese brands in upgrading and transforming their industries through design thinking. In addition to possessing integrated planning, design, and engineering capabilities, he also offers comprehensive design services spanning interior design, landscape design, floral display design, and energy feng shui planning. He emphasizes the balance of energy between people and spaces, aiming to create a harmonious, pure, and positive atmosphere through design, providing customers with a stable environment for physical, mental, and spiritual well-being.

Interview with Chen-Chi Hung

Chen-Chi Hung ("CH") interviewed on Thursday, 16 May.

Could you please tell us about your experience as a designer, artist, architect or creator?

CH : Introducing aesthetics beyond the knowledge theory and design aesthetics known to the client, and breaking through existing imaginations and limitations of space together with the client, is the key to driving successful design.

How did you become a designer?

CH : Starting from my university years, I began studying interior design and discovered my knack for understanding spatial scales, as well as my inclination towards communicating design perspectives with others. Upon graduation, I received an outstanding design award and graduated with a commendable academic record. Upon entering the workforce, I worked at three different interior design firms, experiencing the full spectrum of design work from start to finish in smaller companies, gaining insights into the broad-scale thinking required for planning office and factory spaces in international corporations, and actively participating in the promotion of design services in the third company. Along the way, I came to understand the importance of integrating design principles and theories with professional business skills. Currently, as the leader of my own company team, I am investing the knowledge gained from my past experiences into the operation of my company, with the aim of leading the team towards continuous growth.

Which emotions do you feel when designing?

CH : Rather than appealing to my own emotions, I prioritize thinking from the client's perspective and strive to deeply understand their needs. My goal is to create a space that satisfies and resonates with the client, ensuring their future satisfaction with its usage.

What particular aspects of your background shaped you as a designer?

CH : My father is a journalist and expert in spatial feng shui, possessing excellent writing skills and public speaking abilities. He has a deep understanding of Chinese culture and ancient feng shui theories. My brother, on the other hand, is studying performing arts and has a strong professional and personal charisma in controlling the atmosphere on stage and delivering speeches. Growing up in such a family has cultivated my sensitivity to beauty and the cultural and artistic industries. When I began studying interior design in university, I found that I had a good ability to construct arguments and communicate effectively. I believe this is not only due to my education and the guidance of my teachers but also related to what I have seen, heard, and experienced throughout my upbringing.

What is your growth path? What are your future plans? What is your dream design project?

CH : Reflecting on my growth journey, the years I spent working at Horizon Design provided me with insights into the structured establishment of company systems and the ambitious expansion of business sources. It honed my design skills, taught me practical management in construction sites, and enhanced my problem-solving abilities. This work experience laid the foundation for building my own brand in the next 10-20 years. Working and learning in such a positive environment during my youth was an invaluable accumulation of life experiences. Looking towards the future, I have a passion for science, and even more so for technology. Over the years, I have always hoped to integrate design with technology. My future plan is to return to campus to study an EMBA program, focusing on the integration of space design and quantum technology. I aspire to pioneer a new design paradigm for interior and spatial design fields.

What are your advices to designers who are at the beginning of their career?

CH : Never stop learning, never stop moving forward. Seize opportunities to validate design with on-site supervision experience. Only through repeated verification, modification, and unwavering dedication to professionalism can the path of design be extended further and filled with joy.

You are truly successful as a designer, what do you suggest to fellow designers, artists and architects?

CH : With excellent communication skills and an approachable demeanor, conveying perspectives from various design disciplines, the progress of social aesthetics is a slow process. It requires individuals who maintain passion and perseverance to continue driving it forward over the long term.

What is your day to day look like?

CH : Wake up early, engage in a simple aerobic exercise, and head to the office after a morning shower. Conduct a brief weekly meeting at the office, then proceed to meet with clients to discuss the direction of new projects. Lunch is kept simple, followed by a short rest in the afternoon. Spend the afternoon energetically discussing design projects with project managers and addressing important business issues. After work, have dinner with my daughter, engage in light exercise, and review the progress of each project for the next day to avoid staying up late, ensuring that I tackle each day in the best possible condition!

How do you keep up with latest design trends? To what extent do design trends matter?

CH : Reading extensively, participating in activities, maintaining curiosity, and always saying yes to new things. I believe that design trends represent popular style preferences of the time, with no inherent good or bad; it primarily showcases different cultural characteristics. More importantly, establishing the correct framework for spatial design is crucial. With the right framework in place, any style or trend has the potential to contribute to excellent design work.

How do you know if a product or project is well designed? How do you define good design?

CH : Aesthetic appeal, practicality, budget control, and effective communication are all indispensable.

How do you decide if your design is ready?

CH : When a new project takes shape, we begin preparation from two perspectives. We prepare and evaluate based on two directions: the rational aspect of financial budgeting and the emotional satisfaction aspect of expected goals and effects. Mastering these two aspects and thoroughly discussing them with clients and project execution teams helps simulate the feasibility of future designs, leading to excellent design outcomes. This, in turn, allows us to assess whether there are benefits and values for continued long-term execution.

Would you tell us more about your work culture and business philosophy?

CH : I believe that design may seem like the perspective and discourse of a single role, but in reality, it is the cultivation of comprehensive abilities. Simply creating brilliant designs does not necessarily mean that these designs will sell. Behind design, from the smallest scale of the designer's perspective, one needs to possess communication skills and the ability to empathize with others. In execution, practical experience and communication skills to solve engineering issues in the real world are necessary. On the operational side, precise planning of finances and human resources is required. Ultimately, foresight and consideration for short, medium, and long-term plans are needed. For me, this comprehensive thinking is what constitutes design. It is this comprehensiveness that transforms design from a mere drawing into something valuable and precious with tangible worth.

What positive experiences you had when you attend the A’ Design Award?

CH : 1.In order to gain a deep understanding and appreciation of each participating design for the purpose of evaluation, the organizing committee devised an extensive design narrative form. Layer by layer, the design was dissected, and filling out the form allowed us to thoroughly reassess our design ideas and original intentions. It was a challenging yet valuable process. 2.During the competition, the AI system's data-assisted checks made every adjustment clear and precise. The human-assisted responses were immediate and heartfelt, demonstrating the professionalism and admiration for the organizing committee's human resource allocation and technological application in this aspect. 3.The comprehensive and well-rounded marketing network and planning were truly impressive. As the competition season progressed, the meticulous planning by the organizing committee became increasingly evident, adding substantial promotional value to the awards. It was an honor to be a recipient of the award and to participate in the prestigious Gala Night event.

Chen-Chi Hung Profile

Timescape  Flagship Store

Timescape Flagship Store design by Chen-Chi Hung


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