
About Cassily Danwei Zhao

Danwei is recognized for her innovative approach to design, blending aesthetics with functionality to elevate everyday experiences. Her work, rooted in the principles of clean and honest design, reflects a commitment to embracing opportunities while incorporating new trends and expressing gratitude. Danwei's designs stand out for their thoughtful integration of form and purpose, offering solutions that enhance lifestyles and moments. Her contributions to the design community and society at large are marked by her ability to transform ordinary objects into meaningful encounters with beauty and utility. Through her designs, Danwei not only seeks to improve the daily lives of individuals but also to inspire a greater appreciation for the simplicity and elegance that design can bring to the everyday. Her practice is a testament to the potential of design to create endless opportunities for elevated moments and meaningful connections.

Interview with Cassily Danwei Zhao

Cassily Danwei Zhao ("CDZ") interviewed on Tuesday, 28 May.

Could you please tell us about your experience as a designer, artist, architect or creator?

CDZ : In my five-year journey as a designer, including my educational and nearly four years in the field, I've had the privilege of collaborating with diverse clients and industries. From my time in school to my professional career, I've immersed myself in the dynamic world of design, continuously refining my skills and embracing new challenges. Along the way, I've worked with prominent tech companies, internet giants, product manufacturers, and individual clients on various exciting projects.

How did you become a designer?

CDZ : I am deeply driven by a passion for creativity and a desire to make a positive impact on people's lives and emotions. Since I was young, I have been drawn to drawing, painting, and deconstructing things, which naturally led me to explore more structured forms of art and design. As I grew older, I realized that design offered a unique opportunity to blend my artistic side with my analytical mindset, allowing me to create beautiful things, solve complex problems, and make a tangible impact on the world around me. My journey began with enrolling in a formal design education program, where I immersed myself in a rigorous curriculum covering various design disciplines, from graphic design to industrial design. Throughout my studies, I seized every opportunity to expand my knowledge and skills, participating in internships, workshops, collaborative projects, and exchange programs to gain real-world experience and build a diverse portfolio.

What are your priorities, technique and style when designing?

CDZ : When designing, I prioritize functionality, aesthetic appeal, and emotional connection. I start by ensuring the design serves its purpose efficiently, then focus on creating visually pleasing and harmonious designs. I draw inspiration from various sources and aim to bring out emotions that resonate with users. I use digital tools and hands-on techniques, combining precision with spontaneity. This approach allows me to create designs that meet user needs while also resonating on a deeper level, enriching experiences.

Which emotions do you feel when designing?

CDZ : When I design, I experience a whirlwind of emotions that evolve throughout the design process. Initially, I feel incredibly excited and inspired as I dive into new ideas and concepts. This creative phase is invigorating, filled with endless possibilities and the thrill of discovery! As the design takes shape, I feel an overwhelming sense of satisfaction and fulfillment, especially when I conquer challenges and bring my vision to life. The iterative process of refining and perfecting the design is not only rewarding but also exhilarating, as each iteration brings me closer to achieving my goals. When the design is complete, and I see it in its final form, I feel an immense sense of pride and accomplishment. Witnessing the impact of my work on users and how it enhances their experiences brings me immeasurable joy and satisfaction.

What particular aspects of your background shaped you as a designer?

CDZ : I just wanted to share something that's been really important to me on my design journey. Adaptability has truly been the key to shaping the designer I am today. In an industry that's always changing, being adaptable has allowed me to not just keep up, but thrive. I've always been open to change and learning new skills, which has helped me seamlessly transition between different design disciplines and tackle whatever comes my way. Whether mastering new software, embracing emerging design trends, or overcoming unexpected challenges, my adaptability has kept me agile and responsive. It's not just about meeting client needs but also about ensuring that my work stays relevant and impactful. This flexibility has really elevated the quality of my work and opened up many exciting opportunities for me to grow and innovate in my design practice.

What is your growth path? What are your future plans? What is your dream design project?

CDZ : I'm on a path of growth as a designer, driven by my passion for innovation, creativity, and excellence. As I look to the future, I'm excited to expand my design practice, take on new challenges, and push the boundaries of what's possible in design. My goal is to be recognized as a visionary designer who not only creates stunning and functional designs but also makes a positive impact on society and the environment. I have so many exciting ideas for future projects. From designing innovative products that enhance everyday experiences to creating immersive spatial environments that inspire and delight, there's endless potential for creativity and innovation in my design journey. One dream project I'm eager to achieve is designing an innovative public space that fosters community interaction and engagement. Picture a multifunctional park or plaza featuring art installations, interactive play areas, and sustainable landscaping, designed to host community events, outdoor markets, and cultural activities. It's a space that brings people together, encourages creativity, and enhances urban life. This project perfectly combines my passions for design, community building, and environmental sustainability.

What are your advices to designers who are at the beginning of their career?

CDZ : I've been reflecting on the journey of a young designer and the importance of embracing failure as a stepping stone for growth and learning. It's really about taking risks, making mistakes, and using setbacks as fuel for improvement. Building resilience in facing challenges, setbacks, and rejection is crucial for navigating the competitive design landscape. Seeking feedback from mentors, peers, and clients and collaborating with others to gain diverse perspectives have been invaluable for refining and improving my designs. I've found that continuously expanding my knowledge and skills through staying updated with the latest trends, technologies, and methodologies is vital. Developing strong communication skills, both verbal and visual, and conveying the value of my designs through storytelling has been essential for my success. Above all, staying true to my unique vision, style, and values and letting authenticity shine through in my work is what I believe will be the hallmark of a successful design career.

You are truly successful as a designer, what do you suggest to fellow designers, artists and architects?

CDZ : As a designer, I truly believe that putting the user first and creating a collaborative environment are the keys to driving innovation and excellence in our projects. Collaboration is also the key; foster an environment of teamwork and mutual respect to harness the collective creativity of your colleagues. Embrace sustainability and ethical practices, mindful of your designs' impact on the planet and society. Stay curious and adaptable, eager to learn and incorporate emerging technologies and trends into your work.

What is your day to day look like?

CDZ : I start my day with a cup of coffee while browsing design trends and doing some exercise or yoga to energize myself and plan my day. My workday begins with reviewing, replying, and writing emails. Regular check-ins with clients or team members help me stay on track, and I take short breaks to stay refreshed. Afternoons are dedicated to more creative tasks like brainstorming and concept development. After work, I relax by watching movies or spending time with friends. Before bed, I do my regular skincare routine to create a calming environment, reflect on the day, and plan for the next day, balancing inspiration and productivity.

How do you keep up with latest design trends? To what extent do design trends matter?

CDZ : I believe in balancing staying informed about current design trends and staying true to my design style and principles. While it's important to be aware of industry trends and evolving consumer preferences, I prioritize creating designs that are timeless, functional, and reflective of my creative vision. That said, I keep up with the latest design trends through various sources such as design publications, online forums like Stylus and WGSN, social media, and attending design events and exhibitions. I find inspiration in diverse sources, including nature, art, architecture, and every day

How do you know if a product or project is well designed? How do you define good design?

CDZ : Good design, in my opinion, encompasses functionality, aesthetics, and user experience. When evaluating a product or project, I look for its effectiveness in fulfilling its purpose, intuitive usability, reliability, and efficiency. Aesthetically pleasing designs consider elements such as form, color, texture, and proportion to create a visually engaging composition. User-centered design is crucial for positive experiences, involving consideration of users' needs, preferences, and behaviors. Innovation and problem-solving, sustainability, and emotional resonance are also important aspects of good design. When judging a design, I consider how well it balances these criteria and effectively addresses the needs and desires of its intended audience. It's essential to avoid prioritizing style over substance, neglecting user experience, compromising on quality or functionality, and overlooking broader societal or environmental implications. Ultimately, good design should enhance people's lives, enrich their experiences, and contribute positively to the world.

How do you decide if your design is ready?

CDZ : Knowing when a design is ready is a complex process that involves intuition, experience, and objective evaluation. While a design can always be improved, there's a point where making more changes doesn't add much value, and the design is ready to be implemented. I know a design is ready when it effectively meets the project objectives and user needs, aligns with the established criteria and constraints, and satisfies my own standards of quality and excellence. This often involves multiple rounds of iteration, feedback, and refinement, during which I continuously assess and adjust the design based on user testing, stakeholder feedback, and my own observations and insights. I rely on a gut feeling or sense of intuition that tells me the design has reached a state of balance and coherence, where all elements work harmoniously together to achieve the desired outcome. While there may still be areas for improvement, I recognize when further changes would be marginal or unnecessary, and it's time to move forward.

What is your biggest design work?

CDZ : My most significant design project involved working on IoT products for a smart community. I was deeply involved in every stage of the project, collaborating closely with engineers, developers, and stakeholders. Our main objective was to create innovative solutions that would enhance the functionality and connectivity of everyday objects within a smart community ecosystem. We used IoT technology to develop intelligent devices for home automation, energy management, and community engagement, aiming to contribute to sustainability and well-being. Our ultimate goal was to revolutionize the way people interact with their environments by seamlessly integrating technology into daily life. Despite facing challenges related to IoT complexities, privacy, and security, I found that these experiences reinforced the importance of interdisciplinary collaboration and user-centered design. This project truly exemplifies my commitment to leveraging design innovation for the betterment of society and the transformative power of technology in our lives.

Who is your favourite designer?

CDZ : Choosing a favorite designer is quite challenging given the multitude of talented individuals in the field. However, if I had to pick one, Dieter Rams stands out as a design icon whose work continues to inspire me. His minimalist approach, emphasis on functionality, and timeless aesthetic have left an indelible mark on the design world. Rams' philosophy of "less but better" resonates deeply with me, highlighting the importance of simplicity and clarity in design. Additionally, I'm drawn to the work of Hans Wegner, known for his iconic furniture designs that blend form and function seamlessly. Wegner's ability to create pieces that are both elegant and ergonomic is truly remarkable, and his influence can be seen in modern furniture design to this day.

Would you tell us a bit about your lifestyle and culture?

CDZ : I was born in China, where my heritage is deeply rooted. However, my educational journey has taken me to various places around the world, offering me diverse experiences and perspectives. One city that particularly captivates me is Kyoto, renowned for its rich cultural heritage, serene ambiance, and breathtaking traditional architecture. Exploring its historic temples, gardens, and tea houses has left an indelible mark on my design sensibilities, infusing my work with elements of Japanese aesthetic principles such as wabi-sabi and zen minimalism. Currently, I reside in Los Angeles, a vibrant melting pot of cultures and creativity. The dynamic energy of the city, coupled with its diverse communities and eclectic artistic scene, serves as a constant source of inspiration for my design endeavors. From the iconic architecture of downtown skyscrapers to the laid-back beach culture of Venice and Santa Monica, Los Angeles offers a myriad of influences that shape my design approach, blending the contemporary with the avant-garde in innovative ways.

Would you tell us more about your work culture and business philosophy?

CDZ : My work culture and business philosophy center on collaboration, innovation, and empathy. I believe in creating an inclusive environment where ideas flow freely, and everyone feels valued. Depending on the project's requirements, I work independently or as part of a team. For many projects, I handle the initial concept development, research, and early design stages, allowing me to explore my creative vision fully. However, I often collaborate with other designers, engineers, and professionals during prototyping, testing, and finalization to leverage their expertise and ensure the highest-quality outcome.

What are your philanthropic contributions to society as a designer, artist and architect?

CDZ : As a designer, I am committed to giving back to the community that has supported and inspired me. I strongly advocate for designers, artists, and architects to contribute to projects that address critical social issues and promote sustainability. Furthermore, I am dedicated to mentoring and supporting young designers by sharing my knowledge and experiences, participating in design events and workshops, and offering internships to help them develop their skills.

What positive experiences you had when you attend the A’ Design Award?

CDZ : Attending the A’ Design Award was an incredibly gratifying experience, not only for the recognition it brought to my work but also for the personal connections it facilitated. I appreciated how their campaign actively promoted my designs, amplifying my visibility within the industry and potentially opening doors to new opportunities. Being named the "Designer of the Day" was particularly fulfilling, as it allowed me to share my design journey, insights, and aspirations with a broader audience. I found it rewarding to engage with fellow designers and industry professionals, potentially forging valuable connections that could lead to exciting collaborations or partnerships in the future. Overall, the A’ Design Award provided not only validation for my efforts but also a platform to network, learn, and grow as a designer. And I truly value this opportunity. Thank you A’ Desgin!

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Alskar Lounge Chair

Alskar Lounge Chair design by Cassily Danwei Zhao


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