
About Maciej Kasprzak

Maciej Kasprzak is a student of art and mathematics at the University of Augsburg. He works part time at school as an art teacher and offers workshop hours at the University. Next to drawing and creating physical artworks his passion is to design unique objects which often relate to art history, architecture or mythology. Maciej is currently working on building a brand under the name “Renderamo” which will offer his projects. He wants to work on many exciting projects, work with great people and learn a lot from the field of design in the near future.

Interview with Maciej Kasprzak

Maciej Kasprzak ("MK") interviewed on Tuesday, 20 August.

Could you please tell us about your experience as a designer, artist, architect or creator?

MK : I don't have much experience as a designer yet, as I am just starting my career as a designer and haven't finished my studies yet. I can say that I already have a pretty good background knowledge about art history and different ways of communicating through art.

How did you become a designer?

MK : It all started with a dream to become a Formula one driver one day. I was quite successful in karting and had a chance to compete in the German edition of Formula four, but I had to find sponsors for the whole season. Unfortunately, I didn't find enough sponsors to finance the season. I came up with the idea that I could build my own brand and finance the races myself instead of asking other brands for support. Every company sells a product or service. When I was 15 and still in school, I couldn't provide a service. That's what I thought at the time. So the only option was to design my own products and launch them. I had no skills and money. So I searched the internet and found the free program "Blender", which I learned through YouTube tutorials. I almost gave up, but found a way back after graduating. At school, I was good at drawing and decided to study math and art to become a teacher. I needed a portfolio to get a place and as I was preparing it, I came across my old projects. I wanted to try out the idea of ​​building my own brand a few months before I started my studies. I knew I had to design something that was cheap to produce and that's the reason why I started designing jewelry. Since I didn't have a degree in art or design, I needed social recognition and decided to enter the A`design Award & Competition. The award gave me hope and motivation to keep working on my dream of racing. This is the point I am at now.

What are your priorities, technique and style when designing?

MK : My priority is to charge each project with emotion because these are the main selling points. I ask myself what is the difference between my jewelry and that of my competitors and how I can add additional value to the customers. In both cases we only have a few grams of silver or gold and maybe a few stones. When I work on new projects, I usually start with a research of what has been done so far. Then I ask myself if there is another creative way to achieve all the goals. In the next steps, I create images in my head of how the design could look, make some sketches, choose the best one and add some details and finally, when I am satisfied, I work with computer tools and a 3D printer.

Which emotions do you feel when designing?

MK : When I design, I feel an inner peace and it somehow relaxes me inside. I enjoy the part where I develop the main idea and the phase when I have a rendering or prototype in front of my eyes. The modeling, which is the longest part, is at least fun for me, but solving the final problems in this part makes me feel good.

What particular aspects of your background shaped you as a designer?

MK : I think my skills include discipline, perseverance, persistence, and the curiosity to understand how something works, how it is constructed, … The biggest influence on me, like on everyone else, was the past. I had to take responsibility for my siblings at a young age because my parents worked abroad. When I moved to Germany at 12, I was forced to learn the language as quickly as possible because there is massive segregation in the education system. If you don't do well in elementary school, your future is more or less predetermined. I remember memorizing all the notebook entries in case I was asked, and I didn't even know what I was learning. My design journey starts now next to studies and work. I feel motivated to create some new designs and enter competitions in the next few years and to focus more on design in the future.

What is your growth path? What are your future plans? What is your dream design project?

MK : My plans for the future are to finish my studies and build a brand that would help me finance my further education at prestigious universities or academies. I want to work on big projects in the future and have an impact on the design of the world. I have many personal projects in mind but no time to work on them. I hope to have one of them ready for the A`Design & Competition next year.

What are your advices to designers who are at the beginning of their career?

MK : I don't want to give advice to designers who are just starting out in their careers, because I'm just starting out too.

You are truly successful as a designer, what do you suggest to fellow designers, artists and architects?

MK : I need this pro-tips too.

What is your day to day look like?

MK : My day at the moment looks like a typical student day, just without parties or other social activities. Instead, there is time for work at school, maybe fitness and some time for design, especially on the weekends. It's not worth going into detail, but I'm working on changing this routine.

How do you keep up with latest design trends? To what extent do design trends matter?

MK : I don't follow trends. At this stage of my career I'm more trying to find, develop and define my own style. Of course, other designs and my environment influence my work.

How do you know if a product or project is well designed? How do you define good design?

MK : For me, good design must be useful, look aesthetic, be affordable in production and convey emotions. I pay particular attention to the high quality of materials and workmanship, as well as to the small details that are not visible at first glance.

How do you decide if your design is ready?

MK : I'm a person who always finds something that could be done better or differently. I haven't worked with many clients so far, but the last project was finished right before the deadline. I always have an open tab in my head to improve my previous designs. I should focus on new designs instead.

What is your biggest design work?

MK : My biggest design work is the dance bracelet that won the A`Design Award because it opened so many doors for me.

Who is your favourite designer?

MK : There are many designers I really admire. Flavio Manzoni, Horacio Pagani, Lucia Silvestri, Dieter Ram and Jonathan Ive are just a few. It is not possible to choose just one of them because each of them has done something special. I do not want to decide who has influenced our understanding of good design the most because I am familiar with the history of art and not design.

Would you tell us a bit about your lifestyle and culture?

MK : I had the opportunity to grow up in two different countries with different cultures and values. This experience has made me who I am today. I am a person who doesn't like being in crowded places and likes to be in nature.

Would you tell us more about your work culture and business philosophy?

MK : I work on the designs alone, but I plan to build a team of professionals in the near future. Working with me as a supplier or craftsman is not the easiest task, as I expect perfection from them in every aspect.

What are your philanthropic contributions to society as a designer, artist and architect?

MK : I haven't done anything like this before, but I would consider pro bono design work.

What positive experiences you had when you attend the A’ Design Award?

MK : The days I spent in Como were like a dream come true. I never thought that as a student I could get this far with just one design and compete against established designers and big international companies. This was the first time I participated in a design competition and on top of that to receive the Young Design Pioneer award was unreal. Standing on stage in front of the best designers in the world was an unforgettable experience. I could barely utter words. It was scary but something I could get used to. I hope these awards will help me launch my career as a professional designer and reach people interested in my projects and services. Now I have to make the most of it and use all the benefits and support I get from the A`Design Award & Competition team. Through the competition I realized that I can achieve great things in design, I made new like-minded friends from all over the world and the certificates on my desk motivate me every day to work hard on my future plans. I am very grateful for this award and would like to thank the entire team who supported me by questions and problems.

Maciej Kasprzak Profile

Dance Bracelet

Dance Bracelet design by Maciej Kasprzak


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