
About Tong Tong

Tong Tong is a cutting-edge fashion designer based in New York City. He obtained his BFA from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. His designs draw inspiration from a rich tapestry of influences, including personal memories, a profound passion for fashion history, and an adventurous exploration of materials. Tong's creations often skillfully juxtapose masculinity with femininity, blending functionality and whimsical elements while seamlessly merging tradition with innovative design concepts. His unique approach to fashion weaves together these elements, resulting in captivating and thought-provoking designs that challenge conventional boundaries.

Interview with Tong Tong

Tong Tong ("TT") interviewed on Wednesday, 8 May.

Could you please tell us about your experience as a designer, artist, architect or creator?

TT : My name is Tong, and I am a fashion designer of Chinese origin, currently based in New York City. My passion for fashion was sparked not by traditional education, but through a serendipitous encounter with a fashion class that I attended out of curiosity. This experience opened my eyes to the profound cultural significance and meticulous craftsmanship of fashion, turning what was a fleeting interest into a lifelong vocation.

How did you become a designer?

TT : My early interest in art was nurtured by an inspiring art history class during my high school years, which encouraged me to explore my creative talents more deeply. This exploration led me to pursue a career in art and design, where I have been continuously seeking knowledge and honing my skills. Today, I draw upon my diverse cultural background and the rich experiences gathered along my journey to infuse authenticity and depth into my designs. Each creation is a testament to my commitment to storytelling, craftsmanship, and fashion as a powerful medium for self-expression and cultural dialogue.

What are your advices to designers who are at the beginning of their career?

TT : For someone who's just getting started, I believe it's crucial to be comfortable with the idea that things won't always go as planned and to maintain curiosity and enthusiasm. Experiment creatively without overwhelming yourself, and your unique voice will naturally develop over time. Additionally, acquiring a strong understanding of various garment-making techniques is important, as it will establish a solid foundation for your own designs and boost your confidence in the creative process. Moreover, I highly recommend actively engaging with others who share your interests. Whether it’s through discussions, networking events, or online communities, interacting with like-minded individuals can provide invaluable guidance and support. Personally, I’ve found that these connections have played a crucial role in my development, offering insights and encouragement that have propelled my growth in ways I never anticipated.

How do you keep up with latest design trends? To what extent do design trends matter?

TT : I firmly believe that design sets the trend rather than the other way around.Designs that set trends often possess a timeless quality, enduring beyond fleeting fads. Conversely, designs solely driven by trends tend to fade once the trend passes. Therefore, focusing on creating innovative and enduring designs is key to shaping trends that withstand the test of time.

How do you know if a product or project is well designed? How do you define good design?

TT : When evaluating a design, I prioritize understanding the designer's original intention and research. It's essential to assess whether their work effectively realizes these objectives. Additionally, I consider the balance between functionality and aesthetics, if relevant, to gauge the overall effectiveness of the design.

How do you decide if your design is ready?

TT : Deciding when a design is ready is a dynamic process for me. Throughout each stage of design, I iterate and refine, often encountering unexpected challenges like material shortages that prompt adjustments. There are moments of internal debate over design decisions, but the most significant changes occur during pattern making. Here, I focus on achieving the right fit and refining finishing details. I've learned that perfectionism can hinder progress, so once I'm mostly satisfied with a design, I move forward. However, some aspects of a garment require seeing the final product to gauge success, allowing time to reveal its effectiveness. And I will take lessons from that when it comes to my next design.

Who is your favourite designer?

TT : My favorite designers are Issey Miyake, Hussein Chalayan, and Massimo Osti. Issey Miyake is renowned for his technology-driven designs and innovative use of fabrics. Hussein Chalayan integrates design, technology, and art, incorporating deep social commentary into his work. Massimo Osti transformed urban sportswear with his innovative fabrics and dyeing techniques. These designers have not only created visually striking pieces but have also significantly pushed the boundaries of fashion.

Would you tell us a bit about your lifestyle and culture?

TT : I currently reside in the vibrant melting pot of New York City, but my roots lie deeply in Beijing, China, where I was born and raised. The rich tapestry of my Chinese cultural heritage undoubtedly serves as a cornerstone of inspiration throughout my design journey. However, my experience of living in the United States has afforded me a fresh perspective, enriching my creative process with new insights and influences. My designs, such as “Home Alone” and “Reinterpretation of Changshan”, are tangible reflections of this fusion of cultures. They are explorations of my Chinese heritage and upbringing, infused with the nuances and experiences gained from living in the US. This unique blend of influences imbues my work with a sense of depth and authenticity, capturing the essence of my cultural identity in a global context. Living in New York City presents both opportunities and challenges for designers. On one hand, the city's diversity and dynamism foster creativity and innovation, providing a fertile ground for artistic exploration. On the other hand, navigating the competitive landscape and balancing cultural influences can be daunting. Despite these challenges, I see my dual cultural upbringing as a source of strength, allowing me to draw from a diverse range of experiences and perspectives. It enables me to create designs that resonate with audiences from different backgrounds, fostering connections and bridging cultural divides through the universal language of design.

What positive experiences you had when you attend the A’ Design Award?

TT : Attending the A’ Design Award was an immensely positive experience for me. Receiving the award was a great honor, and the global exposure it provided for my design work was truly amazing. The event also served as an exceptional platform for me to view the works of my fellow designers, fostering communication and networking opportunities that were both enriching and inspiring. Moreover, the recognition and validation from such a prestigious award instilled in me a newfound confidence to continue producing exceptional work in the future.

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