
About Aida Mehranfar

Aida Mehranfar is a magnificent designer working hard to make the World a better place with their original and innovative award-winning designs and creations.

Interview with Aida Mehranfar

Aida Mehranfar ("AM") interviewed on Thursday, 23 May.

Could you please tell us about your experience as a designer, artist, architect or creator?

AM : When I was a teenager, I studied graphic arts in art school, and after that I went to art university and continued this field of study until my bachelor's degree. After university, I entered the world of handicrafts and combined art with the handicrafts of my country so that I could create different products. Since I started my work as a graphic designer in an advertising company as a student, and gradually by introducing handicrafts into my life, I entered the world of bag design and took specialized courses on sewing leather bags. I got the relevant documents from the Handicrafts, Technical and Professional Administration of Iran and continued my activity under the name of Fida. Our customers are looking for a different bag with a special design.

How did you become a designer?

AM : When I was a 7-year-old child, I had an art teacher who told me a story and asked me to start drawing when I hear the story and draw whatever comes to my mind, and I loved it. Since then, I realized that I have a lot of image. And after that I decided to enter the conservatory when I grew up and I did the same thing. As a field of study, I chose visual communication (graphics) and this is how I entered the world of design, and every day I entered the world of design more and more, and I chose it as my job because I believe that humans must do something loves it.

What are your priorities, technique and style when designing?

AM : The main theme that I use in all my designs is combining the traditional designs of my country, Iran, with modern art. Because I really like to introduce the art of my country in a language that is attractive to other nations in different parts of the world. Most of the designs that I present have a special concept and carry a special message with them. After choosing the subject, I start researching about its background and history so that I can find the right material for my design. After that, I start to model and make a mock-up of a bag so that I can get the exact and correct sizes and after that I use my hands for all the steps of the work because I like work with my hands.

Which emotions do you feel when designing?

AM : What I feel when I design is life itself. In my opinion, anything with design makes a person feel better. Designing for me is a job but a way of life that makes everything more beautiful for me. When you combine design with love, all its steps become attractive and exciting. From when you can create the initial idea to when you go through the design time and when you can see the final joy that is the result of the work. Sometime after completing the design samples, I spend many minutes looking at it, enjoying every bit of it and getting the liveliness. Because creating gives you an imazing feel.

What particular aspects of your background shaped you as a designer?

AM : I started playing the violin when I was a teenager. I was a musician for 8 years and even gave a concert, but something happened so that I could not continue playing the instrument. But my love for music was always in my heart. But I am a human being, I don't ignore my interests, and I bring my dreams back to my life and evaluate them in any way I can. For this reason, I combined my love for design and music and became a designer who starts designing bags when he hears music notes. This is my difference from other leather bag designers. Even the first bag I designed resembled a violin instrument and became one of my most famous designs.

What is your growth path? What are your future plans? What is your dream design project?

AM : A few years ago, I started taking self-awareness courses. This changed my life completely. Everything changed, even my worldview changed. This had a great impact on my design style. I always wanted my designs to have a concept. After many hardships that I experienced in my life, I decided to create a plan from my fears, failures, failures, wounds and injuries in my life. For this reason, I am talking to my musician and artist friend, Behrouz Paygan, who now lives in Canada, to design a collection together that examines and analyzes psychological injuries. Injuries that both of us had experienced in our lives. This collection is a combination of music and the design of leather bags and is currently being designed and we hope to find a good financial sponsor to show it outside of Iran.

What are your advices to designers who are at the beginning of their career?

AM : ‏my advice to designers is to try to do everything with love. If you don’t love something, leave it. It's not just about design. Love is needed in all work fields. Only then can you stay. Because love gives you the power to fight and solve problems. It helps you look at things differently and move forward every day. I use this method for my movement and progress.

What is your day to day look like?

AM : I start my day by checking work messages and e-mails so that I can make a plan that prioritizes my whole day and I go to my workshop and create a new design if needed or search for a new design or select a prototype. . All steps are accompanied by music. What gives me energy during the day to continue till the end of the day is music and sometimes a walk in the fresh air. Because that's what gives me the strength to keep going on busy days.

How do you know if a product or project is well designed? How do you define good design?

AM : In my opinion, a design can be called a good design that creates a connection with its audience. When I hear from my customers that: your bags up close are completely different or much more attractive than the photos we saw. I feel very good. Because I understand that my audience will see my bags up close, relate to them, and that's exactly what I want. You must communicate with your audience and understand the needs of the audience by paying attention to the design of visual points and aesthetic principles.

How do you decide if your design is ready?

AM : I design entirely with the help of my emotions. When I feel inside that this design satisfies me, I stop working on it. But sometimes I always feel unfinished towards my designs that I can go back and work on again. But in general, I believe there is always room for improvement. Sometimes after a few years I revise and create designs again. The designs are always good and perfect and meet the needs for a long time. I use a more intuitive understanding for this because I believe that art is human emotion and spirit, not calculations.

What is your biggest design work?

AM : In fact, the work I'm most excited about designing isn't just a job. It is a collection of works that I think is the best work I have ever done. A collection of works inspired by music made by an Iranian composer and still under design. I designed this collection at the darkest point of my personal life, which consists of 20 designs, each of which represents one of our emotional traumas.

Who is your favourite designer?

AM : I don't believe much in categories. There are many designers whose work I like. I mostly look at the design to think which designer designed it. Because every design during its lifetime can create a unique design and this is what attracts my attention and makes me admire a designer.

Would you tell us a bit about your lifestyle and culture?

AM : One of the things that can be seen in most of my designs is the reflection of the culture and art of Iran. I was born in the city of Shiraz, the city of Iranian civilization and art. I also lived in Isfahan for several years. A city full of designs, colors and authentic Iranian art. Even for the design of the Sarban bag, I was inspired by an old minaret in Isfahan. I love all the cities of my country because each one has its own arts. I also love Iranian music and I get inspiration from music for designing my works. In my opinion, the art and culture of a country can be the characteristics of that society, and its integration with the world of design is one of the best ways of global communication. and also by meeting the needs of the society, it gives it an easier and more beautiful life.

Would you tell us more about your work culture and business philosophy?

AM : ‏am for product design. I work alone, but I get help from others to produce them. In order to choose my colleagues, in addition to issues related to science and technology, I also pay attention to other issues. It is very important for me to work with people who love their work. And I believe in producing art for art's sake. If a person has this quality, I can easily cooperate with it. Because I have a personal brand called Fida, which took 12 years of time, and in a way, Fida is like my child to me, and it is very important to me who enters into cooperation with me. The main challenge in my career is finding people who work with love. Because in my opinion, the successful design is that which creates the design with the help of the power of love. It is looking for work itself. This is an example of commitment to work.

What are your philanthropic contributions to society as a designer, artist and architect?

AM : In my opinion, a designer has many responsibilities towards his community. Because it can take a positive step in improving the situation of its society by affecting human senses and affecting the depths of human existence, and if it knows how it can affect people, it can be of great help in solving social problems. I admire artists who deal with humanitarian issues, and by the way, that's one of the things I'm doing right now. In addition to the topics that help a better life, I choose techniques to implement projects for which I get help from original and native artists of my country and take a small step in the prosperity of their business. For example: I design bags in which needlework technique is used, which is performed by the Baloch needlework artists of my country who live in the villages of Baluchistan.

What positive experiences you had when you attend the A’ Design Award?

AM : Participating in this competition gave me the opportunity to have my work evaluated by good and professional judges and I am happy to draw attention to myself. Obtaining this title is very valuable for me and I am happy that one of my dreams is coming true. Because I have so many ideas in my head that just need to be seen and supported. I am very excited to have the opportunity that has been presented to me and try to make the best of it. Because with my ideas, not only my own business, but also the business of the artists of my country who depend on my work will flourish. And this is my biggest wish in my professional and personal life. I am an independent person who strives for my dreams and I am glad that I am on the right path so that I can support other women in my country.

Aida Mehranfar Profile

Sarban Leather Bag

Sarban Leather Bag design by Aida Mehranfar


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