
About Vineeth k

Dematrix is a creative studio based in Kannur, Kerala ,India for Architecture , Interior , Product Designing and Landscaping. Founded by Ar. Vineeth k & Ar. Fairooz Aman . Their work is branded by it’s versatility in solving intricate programs , understanding user needs, context and materiality as a whole, They show a considerable sensitivity to time management , highlighting the detail qualities of their projects and our environment. Highly focused on designs that are creative and original in their concept but above all , enrich and transform people’s lives. Future forward view of purpose and design is fused with strong team of experts to create a new life in society.

Interview with Vineeth k

Vineeth k ("VK") interviewed on Friday, 24 May.

Could you please tell us about your experience as a designer, artist, architect or creator?

VK : We have been in this industry for three years now, and yes, we started working even before we graduated from college. My co-founder, Ar. Fairooz Aman, and I were college roommates. In 2018, we both did our internship at one of the most prestigious architecture firms, Hummingtree. Those four months together at Hummingtree changed our lives, and we decided to start our own firm in 2021. Most of our clients are NRIs from Dubai and the UAE, so we mostly take on projects in a turnkey manner.

How did you become a designer?

VK : I had a flair for art from my childhood and continually developed my skills by learning from different artists. This passion for art drove me to seek a creative field where I could showcase my abilities. Architecture became the perfect field for me, allowing me to bring my ideas to life through buildings and sketches. This is what sparked my deep interest in the industry and ultimately led me to become an architect.

What are your priorities, technique and style when designing?

VK : We concentrate on every aspect of design. When I start a project, I focus on creating unique themes that haven't been seen before. Selecting the theme and style is a major part of my process, followed by conceptualizing and bringing the shapes to life. While we enjoy working in various styles, our favorites are curves and minimalism. We transform our hand-drawn sketches into renderings using computer-aided software, creating a perfect portfolio of our mood boards and themes.

Which emotions do you feel when designing?

VK : The initial and final stages of designing are the most interesting parts for me. Choosing the right theme and concept, and working within the requirements and terrain limitations, are aspects I particularly enjoy. I thrive on complexity and challenges, and I love tackling difficult sites. Project planning is my favorite part of the process.

What particular aspects of your background shaped you as a designer?

VK : My sketching and painting skills have been the greatest assets in my practice. These abilities were cultivated during my childhood, thanks to my father who recognized my artistic inclination. He has been the most significant influence on my journey, nurturing and honing those skills, ultimately preparing me for this career. These artistic skills not only fostered creativity but also enabled me to envision spaces from unique perspectives. Moreover, my painting skills proved invaluable in interior design, where colors play a pivotal role.

What is your growth path? What are your future plans? What is your dream design project?

VK : Our future plan involves scaling our firm to other cities and undertaking unique projects. While we currently focus on residential projects and interiors, we aspire to venture into skyscrapers and large-scale projects in the future. Our goal is to showcase our skills on a grand scale and leave a mark on the world of architecture.

What are your advices to designers who are at the beginning of their career?

VK : To all the young individuals out there, I want to share a message: Even at my age, just 26, I've achieved what I set out to do. And I believe each of you can too. It's about choosing a path that leads to your dreams. Hard work, perseverance, passion, confidence – they're all essential ingredients for reaching your goals. Don't let anything deter you. Keep pushing forward until you succeed. Dream big. Four years ago, it was our dream to be where we are now, to achieve these milestones. And here we stand. It hasn't been an easy journey, but what I've learned is that you must keep moving forward, no matter the challenges. Believe in yourself.

You are truly successful as a designer, what do you suggest to fellow designers, artists and architects?

VK : There are no shortcuts in this process; you have to undergo the same journey as every other designer before you. Learning is a continuous process in our industry – about materials, techniques, and everything related to it. Patience is key; it takes time to master our craft. Each day brings new experiences, and each project is unique. Embrace the opportunity to learn from mistakes, and strive to avoid repeating them.

What is your day to day look like?

VK : As a fashion influencer, my schedule is diverse. On business days, I allocate time for photoshoots and utilize my days off for these activities. However, during working days, my routine revolves around staying informed and inspired. In the morning, I dedicate time to reading about design, exploring new materials, and seeking inspiration on social media for my projects. In the evenings, I prioritize physical activity, as it helps clear my mind after a day of intense focus. Maintaining a consistent sleep schedule of six hours per night ensures I'm refreshed and ready for each day. Weekends offer a chance to unwind with mind-bending movies, which not only entertain but also inspire my design work.

How do you keep up with latest design trends? To what extent do design trends matter?

VK : Design trends hold significant importance in our industry, constantly evolving with each passing day. Designers strive to generate fresh and innovative ideas regularly, ensuring that trends remain dynamic and project-centric. Social media platforms such as Instagram, Pinterest, and various design portals serve as ideal resources for tracking these trends. They offer a window into the latest developments, providing valuable insights that shape our design approaches.

How do you know if a product or project is well designed? How do you define good design?

VK : A hallmark of a good design is when the vision depicted on paper seamlessly transitions into reality. It's a moment of satisfaction when both architects and clients find themselves genuinely pleased with the outcome. Personally, I recognize a design's success when I feel content with my work, and when the final result aligns precisely with the envisioned concept.

How do you decide if your design is ready?

VK : In reality, there's no such thing as a finished design. Through client reviews and feedback, designs continually evolve and improve. The more time we invest in refining a design, the closer we get to perfection. Therefore, I believe a design is truly complete only when both the client and designer are genuinely satisfied with the outcome.

What is your biggest design work?

VK : Our most significant and impressive project on the horizon is a residential project set to launch soon in Kerala. It has been a remarkable journey of design freedom for us, as the client, a close associate, has been exceptionally supportive of our innovative concepts. In our experience, when designers are granted this level of creative liberty, the result often transcends expectations, leading to what we believe will be our best work yet.

Who is your favourite designer?

VK : Sanjay Puri, of Sanjay Puri Architects in India, is an architect I consistently admire and draw inspiration from. His design approach is captivating, and his journey serves as a beacon of inspiration for young architects like myself. Despite being from the same country, I'm continually amazed by his ability to push boundaries and introduce fresh perspectives to the architectural landscape in India. To me, he is not just an architect but an icon whose work resonates deeply and motivates me to strive for excellence in my own designs.

Would you tell us a bit about your lifestyle and culture?

VK : Culture undeniably wields a profound influence on design. As designers, it's imperative that we uphold and integrate the cultural essence of our society into every facet of our work. Being based in Kerala , India, where cultural values are deeply rooted, I recognize the importance of immersing myself in our rich heritage and traditions. By understanding and embracing this cultural tapestry, we infuse our designs with authenticity and resonance. Even when crafting avant-garde concepts, incorporating elements of culture lends depth and significance to our creations, making them truly exceptional. This commitment to cultural sensitivity and relevance is what distinguishes our designs as meaningful contributions to the architectural landscape.

Would you tell us more about your work culture and business philosophy?

VK : As co-founders and principal designers of our firm, my partner and I share a collaborative approach to our work. I consider myself a flexible individual, which makes collaboration with me a seamless experience. In this industry, patience is paramount, and it's a quality I possess in abundance, facilitating smooth teamwork. However, our core challenge lies in time management. With numerous projects on our plate simultaneously, ensuring timely delivery without compromise is a significant undertaking.

What are your philanthropic contributions to society as a designer, artist and architect?

VK : As young designers, it was initially challenging to accept projects with limited financial compensation. However, we recognized the value of pro bono work. Sometimes, it's not solely about monetary gain. We've undertaken projects involving small residences and commercial spaces, understanding that the client relationship is paramount. Witnessing the client's joy upon the completion of even the most modest spaces is immensely gratifying. It reinforces the significance of our work beyond financial rewards and underscores the importance of creating meaningful connections with our clients.

What positive experiences you had when you attend the A’ Design Award?

VK : Winning a design award was a pivotal moment for us, especially considering it was our debut project. Securing the bronze at this prestigious competition not only brought significant recognition but also opened doors to new opportunities for our firm. The impact of this achievement cannot be overstated. Our clients and projects have received a substantial boost in credibility and visibility since winning the bronze at the A Design Awards. Attending this event was a privilege, and I highly encourage all young designers to compete here. It has the potential to chart a new path for success in their careers.

Vineeth k Profile

Blanc Residential House

Blanc Residential House design by Vineeth k


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