
About Yaser and Yasin Rashid Shomali

Shomali Design Studio, founded by brothers Yaser and Yasin Rashid Shomali, is a renowned architectural and design firm specializing in villa design. With their unique vision and expertise, they create exceptional spaces that seamlessly blend functionality and aesthetics. Their meticulous attention to detail and commitment to quality result in designs that surpass client expectations. Shomali Design Studio's portfolio showcases their versatility in creating captivating villa designs, spanning contemporary to traditional styles. Their work has earned them international recognition through prestigious architecture awards. Beyond their individual projects, Yaser and Yasin actively contribute to the community by sharing their knowledge and participating in architectural events. Shomali Design Studio's unwavering dedication to excellence and innovative approach make them a leading force in the field of villa design.

Interview with Yaser and Yasin Rashid Shomali

Yaser and Yasin Rashid Shomali ("YAYRS") interviewed on Sunday, 18 June.

Could you please tell us about your experience as a designer, artist, architect or creator?

YAYRS : We have been working as an architect and designer for over 15 years. Throughout our career, we have had the opportunity to work for several prominent architecture firms and collaborate with a wide range of clients, including commercial, residential, and public projects. Some of the most notable companies. Our educational background includes a Master's degree in Architecture and Industrial Design.

How did you become a designer?

YAYRS : We became a designer because of my passion for creating aesthetically pleasing, functional, and sustainable spaces that improve people's lives. From a young age, We was fascinated by the built environment and how it impacts individuals and communities. We pursued a formal education in architecture and gained experience through internships and entry-level positions in the industry. Our drive to be a designer comes from my desire to make a positive impact on the world through innovative and thoughtful design solutions.

What are your priorities, technique and style when designing?

YAYRS : When designing, our top priorities include functionality, sustainability, and human experience. We believe that architecture should not only be visually stunning but also practical and environmentally responsible. Our design style is characterized by clean lines, simple forms, and a focus on natural materials. We rely on the latest digital tools and technology to streamline the design process and ensure accuracy and precision. However, We also find value in making physical models and mock-ups to test and refine my ideas. When approaching a new project, We begin by researching the site and its context, analyzing the client's needs, and developing a design concept that responds to these factors.

Which emotions do you feel when designing?

YAYRS : When designing, We experience a range of emotions, from excitement and curiosity to frustration and anxiety. The most exciting phase of the design process, for me, is the initial ideation stage, where We brainstorm and explore different design possibilities. However, We also enjoy the journey of design, as each project presents new challenges and opportunities for learning and growth. What We like most when designing is the ability to create something tangible and impactful that has the potential to make a positive difference in people's lives. Designing fulfills us by allowing me to express my creativity, engage in problem-solving, and contribute to the built environment in a meaningful way. The pleasure we drive from designing comes from the satisfaction of seeing our ideas come to life and positively impacting the world.

What particular aspects of your background shaped you as a designer?

YAYRS : Our background as architects and designers has taught us the importance of attention to detail, problem-solving skills, and collaboration. As designers, it is essential to be able to communicate effectively with clients, contractors, and other professionals involved in a project. We also believe that having a strong understanding of sustainability and environmental impact is crucial in creating responsible and innovative designs. Our biggest influence on our design work has been the natural world, and we draw inspiration from the way nature creates efficient and elegant solutions to complex problems. Our design journey has been characterized by a continuous pursuit of growth and learning, and we have always sought out new challenges and opportunities to expand our expertise.

What is your growth path? What are your future plans? What is your dream design project?

YAYRS : Our growth path as designers involves continuing to pursue innovative and sustainable design solutions and collaborating with clients who share our values and vision. Our future plans include expanding our design practice to include more community-based and socially responsible projects. Our dream design project would be to design a sustainable and affordable housing development that incorporates green spaces and community gathering areas. In the future, we want to be remembered as designers who created impactful and responsible designs that made a positive difference in people's lives.

What are your advices to designers who are at the beginning of their career?

YAYRS : Our advice to designers who are at the beginning of their career is to pursue opportunities to learn and grow, be open to feedback and criticism, and never stop pushing themselves to improve. It is also essential to prioritize collaboration and communication skills, as these are critical in working effectively with clients and other professionals. Finally, we would advise young designers to be patient and persistent and to not be discouraged by setbacks or failures.

You are truly successful as a designer, what do you suggest to fellow designers, artists and architects?

YAYRS : To be successful as designers, it is crucial to prioritize creativity, innovation, and sustainability. It is also essential to be adaptable and open to new ideas and perspectives. We would advise fellow designers to always be learning and growing, to seek out feedback and mentorship, and to prioritize collaboration and communication in their work. Additionally, it is important to stay up to date with the latest trends and technologies while staying true to your design philosophy and personal style.

What is your day to day look like?

YAYRS : Our day-to-day routine as designers involves a mix of design work, client meetings, and administrative tasks. We start our day by reviewing our schedule and prioritizing our tasks for the day. Throughout the day, we work on designing projects, communicate with clients and contractors, and attend meetings and appointments. We enjoy taking breaks throughout the day to stretch and get some fresh air, and we find that listening to music or podcasts can help us stay focused and motivated.

How do you keep up with latest design trends? To what extent do design trends matter?

YAYRS : As designers, we believe that it is important to stay up to date with the latest design trends and technologies, but also to stay true to our personal design style and philosophy. We keep up with the latest trends by attending design conferences, reading design publications, and following industry leaders on social media. However, we also draw inspiration from nature, art, and other sources outside of the design world. Ultimately, we believe that it is important to create designs that are timeless and sustainable, rather than just following the latest trends.

How do you know if a product or project is well designed? How do you define good design?

YAYRS : As designers, we believe that good design should be functional, aesthetically pleasing, sustainable, and user-centered. When evaluating a product or project, we look at how well it meets these criteria and whether it fulfills the needs and expectations of the user or audience. We also pay attention to details such as usability, accessibility, and durability. One common mistake to avoid in making good design is prioritizing form over function or vice versa. A good design should strike a balance between both elements. For us, a design is good when it solves a problem, is sustainable, and enhances the user's experience.

How do you decide if your design is ready?

YAYRS : We decide if our design is ready when it meets all the design criteria and fulfills the client's requirements. While there is always room for improvement, we aim to reach a point where the design is functional, aesthetically pleasing, and meets the user's needs. We also take into account factors such as budget, timeline, and feasibility when deciding if a design is ready. We believe that a design can be complete, but there is always room for improvement and iteration. When our design is ready, we move on to other projects while keeping an open mind for future improvements. We consider a product or project successful when it meets the client's goals, receives positive feedback from users, and has a positive impact on the community.

What is your biggest design work?

YAYRS : Our biggest design work was a Kujdane project that we worked on for several month. We designed the housing units to be energy-efficient, accessible, and environmentally responsible. Our initial aspirations were to create a development that would improve the quality of life for residents while minimizing its impact on the environment. We designed the development by incorporating green spaces and community gathering areas to promote social interaction and a sense of community. This project is our biggest and best work because it had a positive impact on the community and the environment. It is special because it allowed us to use our design skills to address a pressing social and environmental issue. The project presented challenges such as balancing the client's budget with the desire for sustainability, but it was ultimately rewarding. We are currently working on a project that involves designing a community center for a disadvantaged community, and we are excited about the potential impact it could have.

Who is your favourite designer?

YAYRS : Our favorite designer is the late Zaha Hadid. We find her work inspiring because of its futuristic and organic forms. She was able to push the boundaries of design and create iconic buildings that are both functional and visually stunning. If we were given a chance to talk with a dead designer, it would be Frank Lloyd Wright. He was a pioneer in modern architecture and was able to create timeless designs that are still relevant today. We believe that the most iconic designer of all time is Charles and Ray Eames because of their innovative approach to design and their contributions to multiple fields.

Would you tell us a bit about your lifestyle and culture?

YAYRS : As designers, we are inspired by nature and the built environment. We enjoy visiting cities such as Milan, Paris and Tokyo, which are known for their innovative and sustainable design. Music is an essential part of our creative process, as it helps us stay focused and motivated. We believe that our culture influences our design projects by shaping our perspectives and priorities. We are currently working on a project that involves designing a community center for a disadvantaged community, which we believe is an opportunity to make a positive impact on society. We believe that good design is necessary for the advancement of society because it has the power to improve people's lives and create sustainable solutions to global challenges. We have introduced changes to our lives through design by incorporating sustainable practices such as using reusable containers and reducing our carbon footprint.

Would you tell us more about your work culture and business philosophy?

YAYRS : Our work culture is collaborative, communicative, and inclusive. We work with partners and a team of designers and architects to ensure that our projects meet the highest standards of design and functionality. When selecting business partners or team members, we look for individuals who share our values and vision and who have strong communication and collaboration skills. We believe that the core challenges of our profession include balancing creativity with functionality, meeting tight deadlines, and adapting to changing client needs. As designers, we are responsible for creating designs that are user-centered, sustainable, and visually stunning. We believe that a good designer should have creativity, problem-solving skills, attention to detail, and a passion for continuous learning and growth.

What are your philanthropic contributions to society as a designer, artist and architect?

YAYRS : As designers, we believe in giving back to the community by volunteering our time and expertise to support social and environmental causes. We have done pro bono design work for nonprofits and community organizations, and we believe that it is important for designers to use their skills to make a positive impact on society. We are supportive of artists, designers, and architects involving themselves with humanitarian projects because we believe that it is important to use our skills and expertise to address pressing social and environmental issues. We get involved with design events and conferences to support young designers by sharing our knowledge and expertise and providing mentorship opportunities. We also provide opportunities for our designers, artists, and architects to develop their skills and work on meaningful projects that align with our values.

What positive experiences you had when you attend the A’ Design Award?

YAYRS : Participating in design awards and competitions has several benefits, including gaining recognition for our work, networking with other designers, and receiving feedback on our designs. Design competitions can contribute to our career and design skills by exposing us to new ideas and approaches to design, and by providing opportunities to showcase our work to a wider audience. We believe that design competitions are important and relevant because they inspire creativity and innovation and promote excellence in design. Being named Designer of the Day is an honor and a validation of our hard work and dedication to design.

Yaser and Yasin Rashid Shomali Profile

Shopare Residential

Shopare Residential design by Yaser and Yasin Rashid Shomali

Mijan Holiday House

Mijan Holiday House design by Yaser and Yasin Rashid Shomali

Kujdane Holiday House

Kujdane Holiday House design by Yaser and Yasin Rashid Shomali

Lako Holiday House

Lako Holiday House design by Yaser and Yasin Rashid Shomali


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